Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where are we now?

A lot has happened since I first thought of starting this blog last May.

I moved from Springfield, MO to Pittsburgh, PA for a new job and to be closer to our families as we anticipated the birth of our second daughter.  Wendy was born in November.  We celebrated Alice's second birthday in December.

Now that things are finally (I hope) settling down into a normal rhythm I have come back to the idea of trying to post regularly on a blog.  Partially to help me keep my own thoughts, ideas and accomplishments together  and partially to share those ideas with others as well as hear the feed back they (or rather you) have to offer.  And maybe having people to discuss and share these with will help me keep up on some of the side projects I wish complete.

As I mentioned above we welcomed Wendy into the world in mid November.  Moving to Pittsburgh has put us a lot closer to both my wife and my's families so we get to spend a lot more time with them (I think we saw someone almost every weekend for a few months before the new year).  Alice turned two in December and I am still amazed at how fast they grow up.

Switching jobs has really brought with it a massive change in my computing life.  The journey has taken me from predominately a python/C programmer, to a short stop in C#/.NET land, before continuing through to a combination of ruby/rails with Java, GWT and javascript depending on the project of the moment.

Away from work I have been doing a little bit of web development for a friend and have a few other personal projects lined up if the schedule stays clear (and Wendy lets me sleep).

While the family and computing aspects of my life are thriving gaming has hit a bit of a drought.  I went from having two great groups of people to play with to none.  Since moving I have discovered a good group of people over at GASP and am working on hooking up with some old friends from high school now that we are closer.

Another side effect of moving back to Pittsburgh is that I can actually watch the Penguins games.  Springfield, MO isn't exactly a hockey town (the local cable station didn't even offer NHL Center Ice).   I got to see their new building, which is beautiful, at a practice, pre-season game and one regular season game thanks to a cousin.

That about wraps up the introduction.  I am sure I missed something in my perpetual sleep deprived state, but I will keep this updated whenever possible.

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